Histories, Handouts, etc.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

2012 William Burgess Sr. Reunion

Yesterday was the Burgess Reunion in Pine Valley, Utah. I enjoyed it although I knew very few of those who attended. My parents both came to hear me speak which was so nice of them. They are 80 and 85 years old and sitting out on a lawn for three hours is very tiring.
I met a few people that I really admire including Barbara Roach who co-wrote the William Burgess/Violate Stockwell book. She is also aging but very sharp.
 Former president of Dixie college and author, Douglas Alder was there signing and selling books. He told me that a book about David H. Cannon written by Thomas Alexander will come out on October 15. There will be a program in the St. George tabernacle to introduce it. I wish I would have known about it since I have some original stuff of David H.'s. I am looking forward to read it and see what he has found about our great grandfather.
The link to my notes for my talk on William Burgess Sr. and his father, John Christian Burgess follows.
There is genealogy info and some background on Hessian soldier in the notes that you might find interesting. I can't upload pictures here but I got a nice one of Pine Valley taken from the cemetery. It is on the first page of the notes.
Pine Valley campground has really changed since we lived down there. They have taken out the amphitheater and all of the camping spots along the creek. They have replaced them on upper areas around the old sites but it doesn't seem the same. There is a paved walking path along the creek from the end of the road to the lake. I know things have to change with the times but I remember some fun times at that amphitheater and camping along the creek and putting our watermelons and soda cans in the creek to keep them cold. The Ponderosa Picnic area has changed also. (Rant over)