Histories, Handouts, etc.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Harrison Burgess History - 1884

I have good news, at least to me...

Last night I found online a digitized copy of the 1884 book: "Labors in the Vineyard". It's the "twelfth book in the faith-promoting series" for LDS young people. I have been trying to find this book for years because I knew it had the original published history of my great, great grandfather, Harrison Burgess.

I've had an ongoing eBay search for this book for years hoping someone would try to sell it there.
This was a wonderful find and I am very happy about it. This history has better editing and more detail than the one that is online and has been passed around to everyone's genealogy files.
I hope to get the word out that it is available.

I have added the history to this blog. The link is on the side.--->


If you want to see the digitized book here is the link to it: http://ia600600.us.archive.org/9/items/laborsinvineyard00salt/laborsinvineyard00salt.pdf
Harrison's story, "A Well-Spent Life" begins on page 65. It is ten pages long and worthwhile reading for his descendants.