Histories, Handouts, etc.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

My Desktop Publishing Class

I taught a class on self-publishing at the Lake Steven FHC on Tuesday.
The class went well. I brought several examples of books (transcribed journals, cookbooks, bios, etc.) that I'd done myself and one my sister-in-law did of her parents/my in-laws. We also brought the laminator and the punch for spiral bound books as examples. The puncher is very heavy and it was nice of Michael to carry them from the office and into the FHC. He emptied the little punched holes but some still fell out leaving a trail wherever he walked like Hansel and Gretel.  I didn't have a handout but used a few websites such as familysearch wiki and about.com. We also looked at Lulu.com a print-on-demand book publisher and HeritageBooks.com, company that specializes in genealogy/history books. I also had an estimate from a local print shop for an order of twenty books and from Staples for just one book. I think a local printshop is the best choice for a your family history book if you want 100 or less. The print-on-demand are great for hard cover books when you don't know how many you will sell. We also discussed ISBN numbers: cost and whether needed for family books. I touched on ebooks such as Kindle.  I talked about layout, word processing and pdf files.
Here are some great links on familysearch wiki:

And here are links from genealogy.about.com

Class description:

 Tues Oct 30th noon “Publishing Genealogy” Cindy Alldredge. We will discuss home publishing, using a local printshop or print-on-demand publisher.We will also briefly discuss how to prepare the history for publication.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Harrison Burgess History - 1884

I have good news, at least to me...

Last night I found online a digitized copy of the 1884 book: "Labors in the Vineyard". It's the "twelfth book in the faith-promoting series" for LDS young people. I have been trying to find this book for years because I knew it had the original published history of my great, great grandfather, Harrison Burgess.

I've had an ongoing eBay search for this book for years hoping someone would try to sell it there.
This was a wonderful find and I am very happy about it. This history has better editing and more detail than the one that is online and has been passed around to everyone's genealogy files.
I hope to get the word out that it is available.

I have added the history to this blog. The link is on the side.--->


If you want to see the digitized book here is the link to it: http://ia600600.us.archive.org/9/items/laborsinvineyard00salt/laborsinvineyard00salt.pdf
Harrison's story, "A Well-Spent Life" begins on page 65. It is ten pages long and worthwhile reading for his descendants.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

2012 William Burgess Sr. Reunion

Yesterday was the Burgess Reunion in Pine Valley, Utah. I enjoyed it although I knew very few of those who attended. My parents both came to hear me speak which was so nice of them. They are 80 and 85 years old and sitting out on a lawn for three hours is very tiring.
I met a few people that I really admire including Barbara Roach who co-wrote the William Burgess/Violate Stockwell book. She is also aging but very sharp.
 Former president of Dixie college and author, Douglas Alder was there signing and selling books. He told me that a book about David H. Cannon written by Thomas Alexander will come out on October 15. There will be a program in the St. George tabernacle to introduce it. I wish I would have known about it since I have some original stuff of David H.'s. I am looking forward to read it and see what he has found about our great grandfather.
The link to my notes for my talk on William Burgess Sr. and his father, John Christian Burgess follows.
There is genealogy info and some background on Hessian soldier in the notes that you might find interesting. I can't upload pictures here but I got a nice one of Pine Valley taken from the cemetery. It is on the first page of the notes.
Pine Valley campground has really changed since we lived down there. They have taken out the amphitheater and all of the camping spots along the creek. They have replaced them on upper areas around the old sites but it doesn't seem the same. There is a paved walking path along the creek from the end of the road to the lake. I know things have to change with the times but I remember some fun times at that amphitheater and camping along the creek and putting our watermelons and soda cans in the creek to keep them cold. The Ponderosa Picnic area has changed also. (Rant over)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wednesday: Anderson Junction Cemetery

Anderson Junction Cemetery
I'm going to try to post something on Washington County Utah each Wednesday. Today I want to let you know about the Anderson Junction Cemetery.

A couple of years ago I was lucky enough to be in St. George on Memorial Day and get to go to the cemetery. In Utah we take Memorial/Decoration Day seriously and make sure that our graves are decorated and our veterans honored. While I was there I ran into an old friend and her mother. They mentioned that they still needed to go to their family cemetery. I knew her mother was an Anderson and later realized they were talking about a cemetery at Anderson Junction which is north of Leeds. I don't have a cemetery listed at Anderson Junction on my USGenWeb Washington County cemetery page so my husband and I went looking for it the next time we were in Utah. We didn't find it that day but ran into my friend's mother at the library and she told us where it was so in April 2011 we got these pictures of that sweet little cemetery. I actually took a GPS reading but can't find it right now. So to see it - take the Toquerville turnoff on I-15; don't turn into Anderson Junction but head toward Toquerville and at the edge of the first field look north across the field against the hill and there it is under an old cedar/juniper tree.

My husband walked across the field and took some pictures...
Getting closer
There is a nice fence around the graves

Here are the three headstones in the enclosure but there may be more graves.
Andrew George Anderson 1870-1901

Myrtle Anderson 22 May 1914 - 4 June 1914
Sweet baby

Dora Marie Terry 1873-1903
And as I was waiting at the car I enjoyed watching the red ants at work. I always watched them work when I was a girl, being careful not to get stung. I realized that day that I miss them up here in the rainy NW.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Family Recipe Friday - Applesauce Cookies

I've decided to jump on the "Family Recipe Friday" train. So today I'm posting Grandma Burgess's Applesauce Cookie recipe. My mother made these weekly when I was young and Grandma always had some in her cookie jar. Grandma added more flour than the recipe calls for so her cookies had a different texture/were more dense. They both always added pecans from Grandma's pecan trees. Mom added chocolate chips and coconut sometimes and Grandma nearly always added raisins. I once got a recipe from a friend for her family's pineapple cookies and the recipe was identical using crushed pineapple instead of applesauce and no cinnamon or cloves. I have also made this recipe with grated zucchini instead of applesauce. Here is the recipe:

1 cup shortening (or butter)
2 cups sugar
2 eggs
4 cups sifted flour
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. cloves
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. soda
2 tsp. baking powder
2 cups applesauce
1 cup raisins
1 cup nuts
Cream shortening and sugar; add eggs. Sift dry ingredients. Add dry ingredients alternately with applesauce to creamed mixture. Fold in nuts, raisins, etc. Drop by teaspoon onto greased cookie sheets. Bake at 375 degrees for 10-15 minutes. Makes 5 dozen.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Rebecca Towne Nurse - accused Salem witch

On 19 July 1692 Rebecca Towne Nurse and others were hanged for witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts. Rebecca Nurse is my 9th great grandmother on my father's side. And for some reason my  family isn't surprised that I descend from a witch. Because today is the 320th anniversary of her execution I'd like to honor her memory today...

Rebecca Towne was born 21 February 1621 in Great Yarmouth, England to William and Joanna Blessing Towne. She had three sisters and three brothers - Susan, Mary, Sarah, Edmund, Jacob and Joseph. The family settled in Salem Village (now Danvers) Massachusetts in 1640 in the early days of the American colonies.
Rebecca Nurse Homestead
Four years later Rebecca married Francis Nurse, who was also from England. Francis was a "tray maker" and was an esteemed artisan and the Nurse family lived well on a 300-acre homestead.
Francis and Rebecca Nurse had eight children, four daughters and four sons - Rebecca, Sarah, John, Samuel, Mary, Elizabeth, Francis, and Benjamin. Rebecca was very pious and her family was well-respected in Salem Village. Her husband served as Constable in 1672. All of which makes it seem so unlikely that Rebecca would be someone accused of witchcraft.
The Nurse family and the Putnam family had been involved in a number of land disputes. Edward and John Putnam made accusations against Rebecca and a warrant was issued for her arrest on March 23, 1692. Rebecca was 70 years of age at that time and reportedly an invalid. She stated, "I am innocent as the child unborn, but surely, what sin hath God found out in me unrepented of, that He should lay such an affliction on my in my old age."
Thirty-nine prominent community members signed a petition on Rebecca Nurse's behalf because she was considered very pious. Her trial began on June 30, 1692 with Rebecca representing herself as they were not allowed lawyers. Many family and community members testified in her behalf. But Ann Putnam and other children would have fits claiming that Rebecca was tormenting them. Responding to their outbursts Rebecca said, "I have got nobody to look to but God." Several of the other afflicted girls hesitated to accuse her.
Rebecca Nurse was ruled not guilty by the jury but due to public outcry and the fits and spasms by the girls the magistrate asked for the verdict to be reconsidered. So the jury changed their verdict and sentenced Rebecca to death on July 19, 1692.
Rebecca died on the gallows with dignity. She and the others accused were buried in a shallow grave near where they were hanged because they were supposedly unfit for a Christian burial. Rebecca's family returned after dark and dug up her body. They buried her at their family homestead.  Nearly 200 years later in 1885 her descendants erected a tall granite memorial at the gravesite. with the inscription:

Rebecca Nurse, Yarmouth, England 1621. Salem, Mass., 1692.

O Christian Martyr who for Truth could die
When all about thee owned the hideous lie!
The world redeemed from Superstition's sway
Is breathing freer for thy sake today.
(from the poem "Christian Martyr" by John Greenleaf Whittier)

It took seven years before the Nurse family was welcomed back to communion in the church and it was fifteen years before Rebecca's excommunication was revoked. In 1711 the Nurse family was compensated for her wrongful death by the government.
Two of Rebecca's sisters were also accused of witchcraft. Her sister, Mary Eastey was also executed, while sister, Sarah Cloyce escaped execution.
The Nurse family has been main characters in film and on stage in depictions of the Witch Trials. Rebecca Nurse is the central character in Arthur Miller's play, "The Crucible".
Rebecca's accuser, Ann Putnam later publicly apologized to the Nurse family for accusing innocent people.

Our linkage to Rebecca Nurse:
Rebecca Towne Nurse - 1621
Samuel Nurse - 1649
Rebecka Nurse - 1688
Elizabeth Kenney - 1724
Jonathan Gale - 1744
Vilate Gale - 1770
Vilate Stockwell - 1794
Harrison Burgess - 1814
Abram Burgess - 1857
Milton Burgess - 1887
Clive Burgess - 1927
Cynthia Burgess - 1952 (me)

Friday, July 6, 2012


Sophia Minerva Foster Burgess was my great great grandfather, Harrison Burgess's first wife. They were married in Kirtland, Ohio during the early days of the LDS Church and suffered through all of the many moves and tribulations at that time. Harrison married a second time in Nauvoo and as the two wives journeyed to Utah; Harrison left to serve a mission in England. So Sophi was with the second wife, Amanda when she had her first child. The family eventually settled in Pine Valley, Utah. Sophi was unable to have children. She helped to raise her deceased sister's children and spent her last days in Woodruff, Utah with her niece. She passed away on 1 September 1898 eleven years after writing this autobiographical sketch. She wrote this at a time she was very alone, just widowed with no children of her own. 
Today I honor her for her sacrifices and life...


I was born in Madison, New Haven Co., Connecticut on the 12th of April 1810. I am now 77 years old and as it is my birthday I have been looking over some of the circumstances and events through which I have passed during my long life. Is it possible I have lived to be 77 years old? Yes. The Lord has spared my life through many sicknesses and dangers seen and unseen. I hope and trust the hand of the Lord has been over me for good and it has been through his kind providence that I have been spared that I might do a work for my kindred dead which they cannot do for themselves while they lived on the Earth. I will try and briefly sketch a few of the leading items in order to show some of the locations and winding that have occurred with me during my history. I lived at home with my parents (when not engaged in teaching school) until I was about 20 years old. I then went to Vermont to visit some sisters and relatives who were living there in Rutland County. While there the fullness of the Gospel with the Book of Mormon as it had been revealed by the Prophet Joseph Smith was brought and preached and a Branch of the Church was raised up and organized of which myself, sisters, and their husbands soon became members. This was late in the fall of '31. We then went to Connecticut, our native place, visited and preached and raised up a small branch mostly of my relatives. After which we returned to Vermont, made preparations and emigrated to Kirtland, Ohio -- the gathering place of the new church. The Kirtland Temple was in progress -- we stayed there about five years in which time the Temple was finished and dedicated and we received our blessings therein. It was in this place that the Lord blessed his people abundantly with much instruction from our Prophet and Seer also with visions and the ministration of angels and etc. I was present when the Twelve were called, and chosen, and also the first Seventy, and had the privilege of hearing each in their turn, set apart, blessed and ordained to their several high and holy callings.
Soon after this I was married to Harrison Burgess on the first day of July 1835. He was a member of what is called the Zion Camp, and also one of the Seventy Elders. The Twelve and most of the Seventy were soon sent on missions to preach the fullness of the Gospel and gather in the believing Saints, that they might learn their duties, and be instructed more fully in the principles of righteousness. Thus things remained for a few years.
While I tarried with the Church in Kirtland, I was favored with an intimate acquaintance with the Smith family, from whom I received many favors and blessings. One circumstance, which occurred, I think is worthy of note in this brief and hasty sketch. Soon after my arrival at Kirtland I happened to be at the house of Hyrum Smith. His wife, Jerusha, was asking me about my home, and family I had left behind in order to gather with the Saints; and as soon as I mentioned the names of my brothers and sisters and etc. She said with a look of much tenderness, "You may have me for a sister, if you will accept of me." This kind and unexpected offer, met with a cordial response, and we, then and there, mutually formed the sacred relationship, which was to continue through time and eternity. She died in about three years after and at her burial, I was invited to act as one of the group of family mourners, which I did. Peace to her memory.
It was then counsel for the Saints to emigrate to Missouri which they did. The Prophet Joseph and his father's family went in the first com.[company] and we in the second. We settled for a time in Far West, Caldwell County and also in Davis County in what is known as "Adam Ondi Ahman." It was in this place that we were counseled to locate. It was a fertile beautiful country. Here was to be seen the Valley of Adam Ondi Ahman and also the remains of an altar where it is said that our Father Adam offered sacrifice and blessed his posterity. We built good log houses, and were living in great peace and happiness together, until a jealous, wicked mob, from the adjoining counties, sought our destruction; robbed, plundered, and murdered many, and finally drove us from the state. I myself was sick and nearly helpless while most of these cruel scenes were acted. None but God knows how much I suffered; but yet it seems to have been the will of the Lord that I should live to finish up my mission which I came upon this Earth to do. I was the first of my father's house and relatives to pioneer the way to an exaltation, by first gathering with the Saints, and obeying the ordinances of the Gospel. This to me is a source of great consolation.
Most of the Church came out of Missouri as far as Winter Quarters, stayed there and raised a crop, and the next season proceeded on for Illinois, found temporary homes among the good people of Illinois as best we could. We rented a house in Pittsfield, Pike County. It was there that my beloved sister, Clarissa (with whom I made my home while I stayed in Vermont, where I first embraced the Gospel) sickened and died. She left three children: Harriet, a girl eight years old, next Ruth, three years old; and the other a boy they called Jabes, one year old at his mother's death. These children were left in charge of their excellent father, Daniel Carter, and myself. I tried in every way possible to supply the place of their dear, departed mother. They were good children, and it was to me a labor of love to take care of them and try to make them comfortable. The girls continued to live with us till they were nearly grown. The boy died of measles and scarlet fever, when he was about five years old. The girls married, each raised large and respectable families. They have always shown me every possible kindness and in various ways have more than paid me for all I have done for them in their childhood -- though we have most of the time lived so far apart, that we could not enjoy each other's society -- still I consider them as my nearest and dearest relations, now left on Earth.
The Nauvoo Temple was at last finished and dedicated and prepared for the sacred ordinances of endowment. Myself and husband were among the first to receive ours; after which we were both called to labor in administering the ordinances to our brethren and sisters. I, myself, was privileged to act as one of the hands in the female department until the work was done.
It was in the Nauvoo Temple that my husband took another wife. I will here note her genealogy: Amanda Melvina Hammond, daughter of Benjamin and Almeda Longley Hammond, was born in Foxcroft, Maine (Penobscot County) May 1, 1827. Sealed to Harrison Burgess February 6, 1846. Second Anointing by Erastus Snow 1865. Died of cancer and erysipelas, August 8, 1882.
After the endowments were finished in Nauvoo, the Church emigrated to Salt Lake. Soon after my husband was called on a mission to England. He started June 3, 1848, was gone about three years, and performed a faithful, and acceptable mission, and returned in 1850. We were greatly blessed in his absence; insomuch that we had built a comfortable house, got our city lot fenced, made a garden and got many little home comforts, before he returned.
A Relief Society was at length organized in the 16th Ward; over which I was appointed to preside. Which I did to the best of my ability until we were called to go south and locate in Washington County, in what is termed Dixie; where the city of St. George and the Temple now stands. President Young counseled my husband and his brothers to take their families and go to Pine Valley, build a sawmill, and operate in the lumber business, which we did. Other families joined, and soon a Branch was organized with proper officers; presided over by William Snow as Bishop. And in 1880 a Primary association was established, over which I was called to act as president; which I did for six years until my advanced age and feeble state of health was such that I thought best to resign and give place to someone more able to fill such a high and important station.
A little previous to the St. George Temple being prepared to commence the work for the dead, I was informed that Dr. Alvan Talcott of Guilford, Connecticut had the names of my relatives in manuscript. I wrote him a letter and engaged him to copy and send them to me, which he informed me would do for one dollar a hundred. I then procured all the money I possibly could and sent to him and soon obtained several hundred. The blessings of the Lord seemed to attend all my efforts in this direction. And as soon as the work commenced I was on hand to go and get their baptisms and as many of their endowments as I could. I managed to get over 1,000 baptized and some over 100 endowed and sealed. My two nieces have kindly proffered to continue the work of endowments for my kindred who have received baptisms if I would prepare and send them the names which I have done.
My labors in the Temple at St. George were done in '77-'78 and '79, as circumstances would permit. I have not been able to go to the Temple since or in short to do much of anything since, either for myself or anybody else. A series of deaths in our family circle have followed each other in rapid succession; at last my husband died very suddenly, February 10, 1883. This entirely broke up our family circle and left me in my old age to battle the ills of life alone; and as my health is too poor to live alone, I have to live in families as best I can. I have means at present to pay my expenses, for which I am truly thankful. The people of Pine Valley are kind and do as well by me as they can. I must trust in the Lord for the future. I should have written more in this brief sketch if I had been able and had been posted with dates as I should have been. As it is, I beg of everyone who may chance to read it to excuse deficiencies and etc.
From a well wisher to the human family in general.
Sophi M. Burgess
Pine Valley, Washington County, Utah
April 27, 1887

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

DropBox - online storage and syncing

Today I taught the final class of the five that I've given the last five weeks at the FHC. The class was about Dropbox and "the cloud" which is basically online storage. Dropbox also allows you to share files with others so it is an easy way to share your genealogy data and photos online. It makes sense to store your important family history online as well as at home on portable devices. I had an external hard drive fail recently and although most of the data and images are on computers I wish I had had some of that data online. Dropbox also syncs files between your computers, tablet and smart phone. Dropbox is easy to download and install - very user friendly. I've used Dropbox for over a year and I totally recommend it as a great tool to share and store your genealogy.

Recently Google announced their new online storage/cloud, Google Drive, which also syncs with your home computer. Google Drive gives you 5 gigabytes of storage free and more at a reasonable price. It is a conversion of Google Docs so you can also edit your documents, spreadsheets and such.
There is a comparison chart of 13 of the online storage/cloud providers in an article by Ellis Hamburger:
 Google Drive vs. Dropbox, SkyDrive, SugarSync, and others: a cloud sync storage face-off

Following are the points I made during the class.
  • Dropbox is an online repository where you can store almost any type of data in the “cloud”
  • That “Data Cloud” is accessible wherever you have an internet connection
  • Dropbox has the ability to connect multiple devices to the cloud and sync new data and updates instantaneously to each of those devices.
  • Dropbox has the ability to share folders with other users
  • Dropbox gives you the first 2 gigabytes of data storage free with the ability to gain more

    Here is a video by Dropbox telling about itself:

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Archie Watts 1921-1939

Today I want to spotlight my great uncle, Archie Watts, who passed from this life when he was just 17 years old. I spoke with his nephew, Bert Bulkley about him last week. Bert is now in his 80s but still remembers Archie fondly and says that Archie was kind and the best guy he knew.
My Grandma Palmer lost her father, Hyrum Henry Rose when she was 11 and her brother, Jack was 5. Their mother later married Ben Watts and had two more children, Lola and Archie. So Archie was my grandmother's half brother.
Archie Watts was born on the 27th of September 1921 in Aurora, Sevier County, Utah. He died during his senior year of high school on January 1939 in Aurora also.
According to his mother's journal Archie had been having trouble with his muscles in the week before his death and had complained about his jaw muscles hurting one day and his arms at another time. She said they'd decided that he wasn't getting enough exercise at school but he was doing the farm chores at home. In fact on that last morning he had got up and milked and carried the milk to the cheese factory before breakfast so his 75 year old father didn't have to. At breakfast he told them about the high school basketball game and dance he'd attended the night before and practiced some lines for an upcoming MIA play. He had earlier said he needed to diet because he had gained six pounds over the holidays and thought that might be why his muscles hurt. He finished breakfast before his parents and said he was still starving and drank a cup of milk then went into the living room and turned on the radio. His mother heard him cough and thought he was choking so headed to get him some water as he fell back. After he collapsed they sent for the doctor who arrived in seven minutes but it was too late. 
Archie's mother said that he was working on his autobiography, if it is around somewhere I'd like to see it.. His mother later mentions going to his class's graduation to accept his diploma and an award he'd earned.
I think of Archie every now and then. All of his immediate family have passed from this earth but I wanted to share a little of his life today. He grew up in a small town to a poor household during the 1920s and the depression years. I know he worked hard alongside his aging father on their farm. He enjoyed school and had a good but probably not healthy heart.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Flip-Pal mobile scanner class

On Wednesday I team-taught a class on mobile scanners with S. House. She demonstrated and told of her experience with the Magic Wand mobile scanner. I did the same with the Flip-Pal mobile scanner. I'm happy that I finally got to see a wand scanner in action. I think they both have their uses but I really enjoy my Flip-Pal scanner.
The Flip-Pal looks like a mini flatbed scanner and can scan that way but has many more uses. The scanner runs off 4 AA batteries - you can also use rechargeable batteries. And the scanner comes with an SD card and USB adapter for SD cards in case your computer doesn't have an SD slot. Besides just storing photos the SD card has the image viewing and stitching programs installed. You can run the programs from the card or install them on your computer. You can use other SD cards and you can download the program if you lose the original. There is a 1.7 inch screen on the front through which you can review scans and set the resolution to either 300 DPI or 600 DPI. After pushing the green button on the side it takes six seconds to scan and uses a low light which isn't as damaging my old flatbed scanner.

A wonderful feature of the Flip-Pal is that you can remove the cover, turn it over and see what you are scanning. The scanning surface is 4X6 inches - a standard size for photos. But this doesn't limit the size of items you are scanning because if you overlap your scans the software will seamlessly stitch the scans together for you. I've seen demos of people scanning quilts to archive them although I would just use a digital camera to do this..

One thing I've done with my Flip-Pal that I haven't seen demonstrated is to scan the computer screen. I was using a computer at a facility and this was easier than printing or the other options available.

Here is a census image that was scanned from the computer and stitched together with the Flip-Pal stitching program.

For the class I quickly scanned a framed picture on our wall to show how the scans stitched together. I took 15 scans and even turned the scanner sideways for the last three scans. When I stitched it together I found that at one point (where it was over my head) I hadn't overlapped the scans. It still put the picture together but with a black strip where I missed the overlap. This was done quickly through the glass and I can't tell where it is stitched except at the missed point. I've seen a large, framed family portrait done this way. The completed scan does lose some resolution as it is stitched especially with large projects.
I feel that the Flip-Pal mobile scanner is a great tool for genealogy. It's perfect to take to relatives and get copies of photos, histories and certificates especially since many times people are reluctant to have the items taken from their homes even to a copy store. And yes you can use a digital camera to copy items also but the Flip-Pal scans are very sharp and the color is good. I was able to scan all of the pictures from my great grandmother's photo album. It wasn't stable enough to press onto a regular scanner but the Flip-Pal worked great.
The Flip-Pal mobile scanner costs $149.99 and can be purchased online at Flip-Pal.com, Amazon.com, most online genealogy sites and also be found in booths at genealogy/scrapbooking/craft conventions.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

This blog is back in business...

I'm going to give this blog another chance.. And since I have rededicated my time to genealogy I want to share what is happening including news about my classes, FSI (indexing), new-to-me pictures/histories of our ancestors and also share exciting-to-me research news such as the time when I finally determined which children belong to which mother.
Hopefully I won't post too much info such as the fact that I'd forgotten that I'd started this blog four years ago until I applied to use the name, was told it was taken, visited the blog to see who was using the name and found that it was ME!!