Histories, Handouts, etc.

Friday, March 6, 2015

52 Ancestors: #10 Susannah Evans Alldredge (1850-1932)

Susannah Evans Alldredge is my husband's great grandmother. (Michael-Verl-Isaac3-Susannah).  I believe one of Susannah's daughters wrote this short history of Susannah's life. I'm sorry I don't know which one so I could credit it to her. I got it from my mother-in-law's book of remembrance about 20 years ago. -cba

 A Short Sketch of the Life of Susannah Evans Alldredge

     Susannah Evans was born May 6, 1850, in Nodaway County, Missouri, to David Evans and Barbara Ann Ewell Evans. She was their sixth child. She was ten days old when the family started for Salt Lake City. (When Susannah became a grandmother she would tell her grandchildren that she was the youngest pioneer.) Once she was nearly lost when she rolled out of the wagon.  

  The family settled in the section of Utah that was later named Lehi, where she grew to womanhood. On December 27, 1869, Susannah and Isaac Alldredge (son of Isaac and Mary Brown Alldredge) were married. They lived in Lehi until 1881. Isaac was a farmer in summer and teacher in winter. During this time they had six children: Isaac Jr., John (died when 1 years), Susie, Emma, Mary (died in Deseret at 5 years) and Deseret.
Isaac/Susannah Alldredge family in front of cabin in everyday attire - girls in aprons, holding dolls. 1880s
(George Edward Anderson photo) 
     Soon after Deseret was born Isaac acquired a farm in Deseret and in September 1881 moved his family there. Susannah's home was a small log house. A summer kitchen was built near the house. The children slept in trundle beds which were pushed under the big beds when not in use. Nettie and Virginia were born in this little house. Later the family moved to Hinckley where Leo and Jacosa were born.

1880s portrait - family in their best clothes. (George Edward Anderson photo)
   Susannah was a good mother and a good seamstress. Each girl had two new dresses a year--one in spring and one in the fall. They also had several aprons to protect their dresses (see second photo above). All the girls had work to do--housework, cooking, sewing, and mending. After the noon meal was over and carpet rags torn and stitched, the children could play until suppertime.
     On September 15, 1894 Susannah's daughter, Virginia, died of diphtheria. A funeral could not be held because people were so afraid of diphtheria. Grief enveloped Susannah for a while.

Isaac, Susannah and their youngest son, Leo.
     Isaac just had to keep moving to new places and Susannah was willing to go. Their next move was to Ferron for a few years and then to Old Mexico. High waters destroyed their crops so Isaac "freighted" until 1905. They returned to Morales, Mexico, bought a farm, built a house and raised crops. They also bought a cane mill and made their cane into sorghum. A flood destroyed everything. Isaac "freighted" again until 1907, sold his teams and bought a home in Douglas, Arizona. They moved back to Sonora, Mexico in 1909.
     The year 1912 found them moving back to the states because it was unsafe to remain. The Mexican rebels took everything they owned. Susannah wept at leaving all her things.
     They lived in Hurley, New Mexico and Price, Utah, then in 1918 moved to Salt Lake City. Isaac had a part-time job and worked in the temple. 
Golden wedding photo - 1919
     When Isaac was 77 years old and Susannah 70 they moved to Mesa, Arizona where they built a little house next to their son, Leo. Isaac operated a popcorn stand for a living.

     Susannah passed away July 23, 1932--she was buried in Mesa, Arizona, July 26, 1932. She was 82 years old.

     Susannah said in her later years: "I have lived more experiences than all my sisters put together." Perhaps she was right.

Family records held by D. Larsen at this time.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

52 Ancestors: #9 Isaac Alldredge Jr. (1843-1936)

My next eight posts in the 52 Weeks 52 Ancestors Challenge will be about my husband's ancestors. My husband's great grandfather was Isaac Alldredge Jr. (Michael-Verl-Isaac3-Isaac Jr). I will post most of a small autobiography written by Isaac Alldredge Jr.


I, Isaac Alldredge, was born July 25, 1843, in Jackson County, Illinois, U.S.A. When I was about two years old my father died leaving my mother with four small children--my brothers, William and Parson and my sister Martha and myself. My father had been married before and had two children, Ezekiel and Elizabeth. Mother had three children by a former husband by the name of Wilkes. Their names were: John Brown, Minor James, and Samuel Sneed Wilkes. Samuel went to California during the gold excitement of 1849 and was never heard from again. John was shot and killed in the war with Mexico in 1846. Minor was a singing master, class leader and preacher in the Missionary Baptist Church. The rest of my relatives so far as I know were farmers. Soon after the death of my father, Mother with her four small children moved north about thirty-five miles into Perry County.

Mother died when I was in my fifth year, Brother William went to Missouri, Martha to Jackson County; Parson and myself with Mr. Richard Wilkes, son of my mother's first husband by a former wife, went to Illinois where we lived for one year. Later on, Parson followed William to Missouri and I went to live with my Aunt Casinda Craine. Her husband was Benjamin Craine and was one of God's noblemen. In the fall of 1852 my Uncle John Brown, Mother's youngest brother, came to Illinois from Salt Lake City. He had joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and was one of the first company of pioneers to enter the Salt Lake Valley in 1847. Early in the spring of 1853, I left with my Uncle John Brown for the west. The first 60 miles I rode a mule--to St. Louis, then took a steamboat up the Mississippi to Iowa; then by ox team through Iowa, Nebraska, and Wyoming. The following winter (1854) I went to school in the 14th Ward. During the summer I herded cows and saw two Indians hanged, also worked some on the great wall that was being built around Salt Lake. Attended school that winter.

During the next year of 1855, I moved thirty miles south with my uncle and located at Lehi. In 1855-56 the grasshoppers were very numerous and destroyed most of our crops and we were put to the extremity of digging sego and other wild roots to live on. The summer of 1857, crops were very good because the grasshoppers had left. The U.S. government started an army to Utah to subdue the Mormons who had been reported to be in rebellion against the government. President Young said they could not enter the valley unless they came peaceably, which they did the following spring. It was a great blessing to the people as we were very much in need of clothing and iron which the army brought in great abundance, besides giving us an excellent market for our produce. I continued to live with my uncle working on the farm, raising stock and riding broncos. I also took my part in standing guard against the Indians.

In 1863 I made a trip west into Nevada with three yoke of oxen and one wagon with a load of oats for the overland mail. In 1864 I made a trip East for emigrants coming from Europe. After returning home I began work with Steven Rose for Briant Stringham, hauling tithing from nearby settlements into Salt Lake. During the year of 1865 I had a very severe sick spell. I attended school in Lehi that winter.

I attended Conference April 6-7-8, 1866. I was called on a mission to Europe and was ordained and received my endowments April 20, 1866, and started on my mission, walked thirty miles to Salt Lake and made preparation for travel. Our company consisted of 125 men, 3 women; 18 of the men were missionaries on their way to Europe. After many hardships we arrived in New York July 5th. We stayed there until July 11th when we boarded the steamship Tripoli sailing for Liverpool, England, where we arrived July 24th. As it was my birthday on July 25th I visited many places of interest that day. July 27th I was appointed conference president. On January 2, 1869, I was released from my mission and started for home, arriving September 17th.

I was met by my brothers, William and Parson; I had not seen William for 17 years. That winter I taught school in Pleasant Grove.

On December 26, 1869, I married Susannah Evans in the Endowment House in Salt Lake City. March 10, 1870, we settled in Lehi, farming on shares. July 6, 1871, I filed a preemption claim on 160 acres of land for the church. We lived here until July of the next year then moved to a home of our own, farming in the summer and teaching school in the winter. It was here we had five children born. Sept. 2, 1877, I attended the funeral of President Brigham Young held in Salt Lake.
Isaac Alldredge family in front of home in Millard County Utah.
(George Edward Anderson photo)
In May 1881, I sold my home in Lehi and bought a farm in Deseret and moved there in September. My family now numbered one son and four girls living, one son having died in Lehi. In January 1882 the ice lodged against our dam (which we had built in the Sevier River) taking it out, which was a very great loss to the entire settlement. I farmed and worked on the dam the following summer. In September of this year I was appointed road supervisor and at once went to work constructing a bridge across the river and laying out some new county road.
1880s Studio Portrait of Susannah/Isaac Alldredge Family
(George Edward Anderson photo)

In 1883, 1884, 1885, I still worked for the betterment of our precinct and filled several positions of trust. In July 1884 our fifth daughter was born. I also worked as a home missionary during these years. On September 4, 1886, our sixth daughter was born. In the spring of 1887 William V. Black, L.R. Cropper, Wm. Alldredge, J.W. Damron, A.F. Warnick and myself filed articles of incorporation to build a canal to be known as the Gunnison Bend Canal. During this season the high water broke out the dam; the stockholders took over our incorporation and went to work with a will to complete the canal for use the next season, which we succeeded in doing. The old board of directors resigned and the following men were elected: L.R. Cropper, president; I. Alldredge, vice president; W.H. Pratt, A.F. Warnick and J.C. Hawley, directors; J. Bennett, secretary and treasurer; I. Alldredge, general water master and superintendent of construction and repair work.

During the years from 1886 to 1894 I still worked as road supervisor, vice president, water master and general manager of C.I.C.; also filled several appointments as delegate to conventions and served two terms on the grand jury in the first judicial district court in Provo.

On January 22, 1889 was blessed with another son. On August 16, 1893, our baby girl was born. In the fall of 1895, I sold my farm in Hinckley and moved with my family to Ferron, Emery County. My son, Isaac and his family accompanied us. In the spring of 1896, I took charge of the building of another large canal north of Ferron.

In the spring of 1901, my son Isaac and I took a trip into Idaho, returning in the fall. (In his son, Isaac III's autobiography he says they went to the Burley area to see about buying farmland. It was while they were in Idaho that they learned about the settlements in Mexico and decided to go there instead.)

In the fall of 1902, I sold out in Ferron and shipped by rail to Old Mexico, arriving November 19th. The next summer (1903) the high waters destroyed my crops and washed away my land. In the fall I went to Cos Railway Station and engaged in freighting until the winter of 1905 then returned to Morelos and bought another farm, built a nice brick house, raised a crop and also bought a cane mill. While making my cane crop into sorghum, another disastrous flood came down the Bavispe and Batapeto Rivers taking out my mill and ruining my farm. I then went into debt about $4,000 for teams and wagons and engaged in freighting from Macoazria to the mines south; continued freighting until the summer of 1907, when I sold my teams and bought a home in Douglas, Arizona, U.S.A. In the early winter of 1909 I bought another farm in Sonora, Mexico, ten miles north of Morelos. In the spring of 1910 I sold my home in Douglas and moved my family into Mexico again and located on the farm.

During the winter of 1910 and 1911 a rebellion against the Diaz government was started by Francisco I. Madero, who became President. The adherents of Madero then took arms against the Huerta faction. April 17, 1911, my son-in-law, J.W. Keate and I were in Douglas, Arizona. We spent the day watching the battle (in Agua Prienta) just across the International Line south of Douglas between the followers of Madero and the Federals. The fight lasted from six in the morning until three in the night. The Federals were the victors. During the day many were wounded by stray bullets in Douglas. J.W. Keate was shot in the heel. The Huertasts were called Federals and the other faction, Rebels, but there was a very little difference both parties had no respect for foreigners and they pillaged wherever they went.
Golden Wedding Anniversry 1919- Isaac and Susannah Alldredge
In August 1912 conditions had become so bad it was considered unsafe to remain in Mexico, so we emigrated to the United States in a body, leaving everything behind except our teams and wagons, bedding and a few provisions. The three colonies, Oaxaca, Morelos, and San Jose, made quite a show in their camps at night as well as in their travels during the day. All seemed cheerful although leaving all their earthly possessions behind. Soon after we left our homes, the rebel army under the leadership of Salazar and Rohas came in and took over our homes. The rebels rested in the colonies about six weeks, then moved on. After they left I made several trips and hauled out some of my wheat, one load of turkeys and some of my furniture. My son, Isaac, had gone to Tucson, Arizona, and had secured work; my son, Leo, had work with the Palace Meat Market in Douglas. April 11, 1913, I visited Salt Lake City, attended conference and did some work in the Temple for the dead. On my way home I visited my daughters, Desy in Provo, Susie in Hinckley, and son, Isaac, in Nevada, also visited Los Angeles and Long Beach, California. I returned to Hurley, New Mexico, on the 27th.

May 1, 1914, began work again for the Cheno Copper Company running a pump. June 1914, I left Hurley and went to Utah, did some work in the Salt Lake Temple, then located in Price, Carbon County, remained in Price until May 1918, then moved back to Salt Lake and went to work in the Temple and on the street three days a week until August 1920. Moved to Mesa, Arizona, and bought a corn-popping machine and went into the corn-popping business. Made good money until the financial depression of 1931-32- 33.

My wife died July 23, 1932. We buried her on the 26th in the Mesa Cemetery. After the funeral I took a trip into California, visited my daughters, Susie and Nettie, from there to Utah visiting my son, Isaac, and daughter, Desy, returned to Mesa in September. There I lived alone doing my own work for one year, then gave up housekeeping and went to live with my daughter, Jacosa. June 1933, took another trip visiting all my children in California and Utah. I am there now, just spent my 90th birthday with my daughter, Desy, in Logan, Utah; expect to go visit the October conference then return to Mesa for the rest of my life.

Note: Mr. Alldredge died September 24, 1936, and was buried in Mesa, Arizona.


Isaac Alldredge - The Orphan Boy by Isaac Alldredge Jr.
Family papers/records held by D. Larsen

52 Ancestors: #8 Ann Adams Rose Watts

My Grandmother Hilda Palmer's mother was Ann Adams Rose Watts. She is my great grandmother.

Ann Page Adams was born in Pahreah, Kane County Utah Territory on 19 March 1877. The town is no longer there. It was in the are now known as Paria Canyon. Her parents were John S. and Mary Elisabeth Adair Adams. Ann is the oldest of her mother's thirteen children. Her father also had three daughters from an earlier marriage. Ann's father was adopted as a child; his birth name was Page. Ann and her siblings began using Page as a middle name when they were older because of this.

Ann's family lived several places in Utah and Arizona - Adairville, Snowflake, Pinetop - when she was a child. She saw old chief Geronimo and Apache Kid as a girl in Arizona and also three men hung by a vigilante committee.
I don't know if Ann is in this picture
Ann's family moved back to Utah when she was sixteen. She worked as a weaver for three years at the cotton mill in Washington, Utah.

Ann married Hyrum Henry Rose on 20 August 1896 in St. George, Utah. She was 19, he was 44.

Ann and Hyrum moved  to White Hills, Arizona, a mining camp, where three children were born to them, all dying young. Their oldest girl Annie was born  on May 27, 1897. She only lived 5 days and was buried at White Hills June 3, 1897. Next fall they went to Chloride for a while. Here, their daughter, Blanch was born June 5, 1898. She lived 8 months and died after she fell from a swinging bed. They went back to White Hills, stayed one summer, moved to Chloride Depot where Hyrum Rose and a Mr. Averett ran a short order house or restaurant. Their son, William Henery was born Sept. 15, 1899 and died Sept. 20, 1899. He was buried at Chloride, Arizona.

Hyrum and Ann Rose then moved to Cottonwood, Arizona near the mining camp in Jerome. They also lived in Globe, Ariz. for two winters. They next went to New Mexico and lived several places - Las Vegas, Cimarron, Tucumcari.
Historic Cimarron, New Mexico

Their daughter, Hilda Grace Rose (my grandmother) was born in Cimarron, New Mexico on October 7, 1902.

13 miners lost their lives in the platform explosion
Hyrum, Ann and daughter, Hilda moved on to Colorado - Cripple Creek and Trinidad. Hyrum was working at the Anaconda mine during the 1903-1904 Labor War there and just missed being on the railway platform that was blown up. They lived there for two years

The Rose Family were among those at the opening of reservation land in Uintah territory. They also lived in Price and Spring Glen, Utah where Hyrum had a store. Their son, John Adams Rose (Jack) was born in Spring Glen, Utah on March 12, 1908. The family later went to Nevada - Ely and Kimberly.
Hyrum Rose's health had failed so the family moved to Salt Lake City, Utah to see a specialist. This did not help and sadly, Hyrum Rose lost his life on December 16, 1913 and was buried near his parents in the Salt Lake City Cemetery.  During his sickness Ann did much hard work such as men's laundry, raising and selling vegetables, house cleaning, sewing, and many other things to keep the family.
/Ann's family in Annabelle, Utah. Ann is second from the right - back row.
After Mr. Rose died in Salt Lake City. Ann went to her people at Annabelle, Sevier County, Utah where she worked at anything she could do to make a living for her two children.

On the 22 of April 1915 Ann and her two children moved to Aurora, Utah to keep house for her late cousin's husband. She stayed with Benjamin Watts and his eleven year old daughter, Miriam till the 8 of September 1915 when Ann and Benjamin were married. Her two children, Hilda and Jack went with her. In 1918 their daughter, Lola was born and a son, Archie was born Sept 27, 1921. Sadly, Archie passed away unexpectedly when he was just 18 years of age.
Ben, Archie, Ann, Lola Watts
Ann lived the rest of her life in Aurora, Utah. Her vagabond days were over. She and Ben Watts were married for twenty-seven years when Ann passed away on January 1, 1943. She is buried in the Aurora town cemetery.


A Sketch of Thrilling Events in the Life of Ann (Page) Adams Rose Watts written by herself
Ann Rose journals in possession of CB Alldredge

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

52 Ancestors: #7 Hyrum Henry Rose (1852-1913)

My Grandma, Hilda Palmer's father was Hyrum Henry Rose. He is my mother's grandfather and my great grandfather

Hyrum Henry Rose was born near and was christened in Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, England which is near Birmingham. His parent were Sarah Commander and John Rose. He was the middle of their three sons, George Charles (1840), Hyrum Henry (1852), and John Jr (1854).

Hyrum's parents joined the LDS Church while in England and emigrated to America in 1861 with a group of other members from Birmingham and other Saints - 623 in number - on the ship Underwriter.

John Rose 35, Sarah Rose 39, George Rose 20, Hyrum Rose 7, John T Baker? 20 

 The passenger manifest lists John, Sarah, George and Hyrum.  Hyrum's brother, John (Jr) is not listed on the ship list so he apparently died before the family left England. It says they came from Gamenon Bdgs Horley St. Birmingham.
Clipper Ship Approaching Castle Garden, ca. 1860
Ships simply dropped anchor here briefly while passengers and luggage were taken ashore in smaller boats.
 The Rose family came ashore at Castle Garden in New York City on 22 May 1861 after a journey of a month. They did not immediately go to Utah but stayed in the New York City area to work for a year to help pay for the rest of the journey. This was also during the Civil War which sometimes limited travel.
Hyrum Rose and his family journeyed across the plains to Utah in the Homer Duncan Company departing from Florence, Nebraska on 22 July 1862 and arriving in the Salt Lake Valley on 24 September 1862. Hyrum was ten years old at this time.
The Rose family settled in the Mill Creek area of the Salt Lake Valley and Hyrum and his parents are living there in the 1870 census. Hyrum's mother Sarah passed away in 1875. By the time of the 1880 census is married with two children living in Mill Creek with his family and his father. Hyrum is working as a lumberman at this time.

Hyrum Henry Rose and Eldora Lefler were married in Salt Lake City on July 4, 1876. They eventually made their home in Woodland, Summit County, Utah where Hyrum had a sawmill. They were married for 20 years and had six children together before divorcing: Hyrum Edward 1877, Maud 1880, Richard 1881, Sarah 1883, Frances 1886, Vivian 1889.

Hyrum and Eldora were divorced in 1895 in a very acrimonious case as you can see as you read some of the proceedings.

Hyrum apparently sold or lost his sawmill in Summit county. As he never lived in that area again.

On August 20, 1896 Hyrum Rose and Ann Adams were married in St. George, Utah. Ann was the daughter of John S. and Mary Elizabeth Adair Adams. Hyrum was 44 and Ann was 19 years old at the time of their marriage.

Ann and Hyrum had an interesting life together full of ups and downs. They lived many places and in many states. They had five children together but sadly their first three children passed away as babies. Annie, Blanche and William Hyrum were all born and died while their parents were living in Arizona. Hilda Grace (my grandmother) was born in northern New Mexico and John Adams (Jack) was born in Utah.

Waiting with others for the opening of Vernal  area for homesteading
Besides their time in Arizona Hyrum and Ann also lived in Oklahoma, Colorado, Utah and Nevada in their short 17 years together. They lived in mining camps, tried their hand at homesteading, running stores and eventually ended in Salt Lake City because of Hyrum's poor health.

Hyrum died on December 16, 1913 of Bright's Disease (kidney disease). Leaving Ann as a widowed mother age 36 with 11 year old Hilda and 5 year old Jack. Hyrum was laid to rest in the Salt Lake City Cemetery near his parents and brother. He does not have a grave marker.


FamilySearch.org Family Tree
Mormon Pioneer Overland Travel database
Mormon Migration - ships
Utah Digital Newspapers